Importance of a Healthy + Balanced Breakfast

Importance of a Healthy + Balanced Breakfast

Busy mornings are no excuse as to why you can’t have breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day – it provides energy for the brain and body to function, kickstarts metabolism, and balances blood sugars.

When one skips or skimps on breakfast, the body tries to conserve what little “fuel” it has left. Often times, an unbalanced breakfast results in fatigue and extreme hunger. These changes occur in response to high (glycemic) carbohydrate intake with little to no protein or fat pairing. The lack of balance causes blood sugar to rise, which may influence sluggishness, brain fog, and more.

Therefore, it is important to prioritize a balanced breakfast, especially when on the go, with a full day ahead.

Ideally, a balanced breakfast should include:

  1. All three macronutrients: carbohydrate, protein, and fat
  2. Three out of the five food groups
  3. A lean source of protein and/or a healthy source of (unsaturated) fat
  4. Fiber

Together, these components provide energy, but in a balanced manner, that optimizes bodily function.

When a carbohydrate is paired with a lean protein or healthy fat, one is more likely to feel more full and less likely to experience a spike in blood sugar. Carbohydrates rich in fiber also provide satiety, stabilize blood sugars, and improve digestion.

When on the run, it may seem difficult to prepare a balanced breakfast. However, the meal prep does not have to be complicated to be nutritious. It’s best to keep ingredients to a minimum to save on time and space. Utilize easily portable containers to store meals. To further simplify portability, pack raw fruits, like bananas, that already come “pre-packaged” by nature. Similarly, homemade smoothies and protein shakes are excellent balanced breakfast options for busy mornings. If prep time in the morning is limited, prep breakfast items the night before or for the week ahead.

To help you get started, here are a few recipes for healthy grab ‘n go breakfasts

Again, a balanced breakfast not only sets the tone for the day but for your health status in the long run. Many studies have uncovered the correlation between eating a healthy breakfast and maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle. On the other hand, other studies have linked skipping breakfast to weight gain, obesity, poor sleep, and other poor health outcomes. Over time, these health issues can worsen bodily function and influence the onset of chronic disease.

Therefore, it is especially important to prioritize a balanced breakfast, even on the go.

Tell me what other balanced breakfast recipes you’d like from me in the comments.

Eat the Rainbow

Eat the Rainbow

Variety is an aspect of healthy eating that involves diverse food choices among all food groups to esnure and meet adequate nutrient intake. Variety is most visibly seen in fruits and vegetables. We know that produce comes in a myriad of colors and textures, has different growing seasons, and boasts unique flavors.

When we eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, we consume a broader range of essential nutrients and benefits from phytonutrients.

Essential micronutrients include vitamins and mierals that the body is unable to produce on its own but requires for function and longevity. Vitamins and minerals, such as potassium, folate, and vitamins A + C, are abundant in fruit and vegetables.

Dietary fiber is a chemical compound found in plant foods, and it, in part, gives them their structure. In the human body, fiber plays an active role in digestive health.

Phytonutrients, or phytochemicals, are chemical compounds in plant foods that attribute properties, such as color, aroma, and flavor. Research has proven that phytonutrients support and improve critical bodily processes.

Together, these nutrients optimize human health.

Certain fruits and vegetables belong to groups that share not only the same color but similar nutritional properties. By classifying produce by color, we can predict what vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients they contain and select them for the benefits we need. A colorful diet includes red, orange, green, purple, and white fruits and vegetables. For this reason, I encourage you to…


Let’s take a moment to review the “rainbow” of produce, including some of the most common and abundant phytonutrients.

As evidenced in the infographic above, the “rainbow” of nutrients offers dozens of benefits, but they do not end there. A colorful and abundant diet of fruits and vegetables…

  • Reduces the risk of chronic disease
  • May even protect against certain cancers
  • Maintains healthy blood pressure and cholesterol
  • Promotes tissue and cellular repair
  • Supports and boosts immunity
  • Strengthens the gut microbiome

To reap the most benefits, it’s crucial to consume as many fruits and vegetables daily. Here are a few health hacks.

  1. Paint your plate. Make it a goal to include at least two colorful foods in your meal.
  2. Snack between meals. A small serving of fresh fruit or vegetables can help keep you full.
  3. Cook creatively. Steam, roast, or stir fry vegetables. Poach or bake fruits. Purée fruits or vegetables into sauces.
  4. Drink up. Blend the produce you have on hand into a fresh smoothie.
  5. Buy frozen, local, and seasonal. When purchased in these forms, produce has the most flavor and most nutrition.